Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to build a lumber rack

Why does it always seem that when you venture into building something you have never built before, it takes two or three or more attempts to get the design just right? We built two large lumber racks in the old building and moved them into the new. Moving them exposed some structural weaknesses on top of the design flaws that we hoped to improve as we built out a couple new sections.

And so Tom and Joe, using only a chainsaw, nail gun, some 16' 3x3s, and some 8' and 10' 1x3s, in 3 hours built the best lumber rack we have, able to store and display some 4-5,000 bf of lumber. The bins are now wider and shallower, so you can see more boards and dig down more easily to that perfect board. Plus, there are now TWO bins at eye level, not just one. This is what we wish we had done from the beginning!

It is sort of a mixed feeling when you realize how stupid you once were by finally doing something smart.


  1. I need to build one of these. Your article title says "How to build a lumber rack", am I missing the instructions somewhere or you just meant THIS is what it looks like to build a lumber rack?
    haha :) help

  2. How to build a lumber rack?? Was hoping you'd tell me how to make this & avoid all the mistakes you made on your previous versions.
    I need to make 2-3 right away & not sure where to start

    1. Okay, my blog post is not exactly HOW to build a lumber rack, it is more "Look at the superior rack we built after making many inferior racks". Sorry for the confusion.
